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The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation, EU 2016/679) is a European regulation aimed at strengthening the protection of persons within the European Union in the handling of personal data.
By using this service, you agree that we will store your personal data and we will handle your personal data according to the documents below.
We store the following personal data internally in our business:
Our legal reason to save the above personal data for the data subject is based on the following circumstances:
  1. We have the consent of you as a customer, or potential customer, to store and process his personal data.
  2. There is a travel agreement, or an intention to sign a travel agreement, with you and then it must be clear who is our company's contract partner.
  3. Our legal obligations in the implementation country require basic data on our customers.
  4. We have a legitimate interest in storing these data as they are needed to be able to take care of you as a customer, so that we can carry out the travel arrangement. We also need your information to be able to report our customers to the relevant local authorities in the country where the travel arrangement is carried out.
Session cookie is only saved for the site's function and does not store any personal data. Only the persons at the who have use for your personal data may have access to these. The company commits us not to sell/pass on your personal data to third parties.
Our partners with whom we work are committed, through agreements with us, to comply with the same rules.
As far as possible, we encrypt as much as possible to make the theft of personal data more difficult.
Anyone wishing to have their personal data deleted from the database must email to the following address with information confirming their identity:
Personal data controller in this agreement is .
Personal data assistant is SafariPrice Inc with the right to maintain the database.
These personal data assistants may not use the personal data contained in the SaaS service. This is regulated in a separate agreement.

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